ESC @ Nasch - Nachbarschaftsschule (after school care)
The "NaSch family" is non-profit organization for the after school care center and nursery. Since the beginning of 1999, the community of the neighborhood school has been in free ownership of the initiative "Nachbarschaftsschule Leipzig eV". The idea of a kindergarten was developed in 2002 with the decision of the association to take over Odermann houses and expand it for the after school care center.
Teachers and parents founded the Neighborhood School (NaSch) with the idea of creating a school, which opens up inside and outside. We support the individual strengths and talents of the kids as possible. To realize this, we use approved reform-educational forms of organization and methods. Within the educational and educational mission, it is particularly important for us to develop values and to live them - values such as the joy of learning, democracy and conflict management, freedom from violence and a willingness to take responsibility for themselves and others. The NaSch community sees itself as a part and model of a democratic society. Our school is a place of social learning, firmly anchored in the Leipzig district of Lindenau. School, nursery, after school care center and neighborhood are partners who work together transparently and for mutual benefit. The ESC volunteers will not work in the school, they are in the after school care / day nursery.
Volunteers can get involved in the day nursery (after school class 1 - 6). Possible tasks for the volunteers are:
- Accompanying the children and help in regular offers in kindergarten and nursery in a fixed group
- Playing games, doing handicrafts etc. with the kids
- Participation in the free weekly group hour (nursers) or the morning circle (kindergarten), accompanying children at meals
- Accompaniment and participation in excursions and holiday offers
- Implementation of projects in which the children get an insight into the home country of the volunteers and/or on the subject of Europe, languages (we have a focus on French)
Selection criteria:
The volunteer should enjoy working with children, be open-minded and interested in free/ progessive/ reform pedagogy. A basic knowledge of German is a plus. A plus is as well if the volunteer speaks French because of the bilingual profile.
We can not consider applicants from countries that require Visa.
Selection process:
Please complete the online questionnaire below. We only accept applications through our Google Form below. If you apply via e-mail, your application won't be considered!
We collect all applications until the deadline, then all applications that are complete will be forwarded to the responsible for the hosting organization who decide about the candidate. The selection process takes around 2 months.